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New-Build House Prices in GTA Slide While Condominium Prices Climb
New-build house prices in GTA slide while condominium prices climb New construction single-family home prices in the GTA continued to slide — down 8.1 per cent year over year — with a slight $13,459 drop to $1.13 million benchmark at the end of January,...

Toronto is the 4th Largest Tech Market in North America
Toronto is the 4th Largest Tech Market in North America Silicon Valley be warned: Toronto’s tech sector is on the rise, and its currently outpacing the likes of major North American tech hubs including the San Francisco Bay area, Seattle and Washington, DC,...

Toronto Ranked 5th Best City in the World for Millennials
Toronto Ranked 5th Best City in the World for Millennials Toronto has been ranked one of the best cities in the world for millennials, which means that if you were born sometime between 1980 and 2000, this is a great city for you to live, work and buy avocado toast...

Canada to Increase Immigration Target to 350,000 by 2021: ’The Hunger for Workers is Huge’
Canada to Increase Immigration Target to 350,000 by 2021: 'The Hunger For Workers is Huge' OTTAWA — Canada will take in 40,000 more immigrants in 2021 than it plans to accept this year, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said Wednesday. The target for new arrivals...

700k Millennials in GTA and GTHA Expected to Move Out of Parents’ Home in Next Decade
700k Millennials in GTA and GTHA Expected to Move Out of Parents’ Home in Next Decade While many Ontario millennials are going to begin gearing up to purchase their first home in the coming years, this, unfortunately, won’t be possible for everyone. According...